artist, engineer, tinkerer, absurdist ..

I am Amal and this is my horcrux. I mostly write proprietary software for a living. I write open-source software for the joy of it.

During my free time, I love to read (self-help, romance, and thrillers are a big no; I stopped reading those long ago and really enjoy in-depth reads). I occasionally go for a run (I can complete half marathons in under 2 hours), swim (I’ve never tracked anything, but I enjoy the views both inside and above water—I’ve swum in pools, rivers, reservoirs, and in the sea once or twice). I’m into movies (not very picky; I love watching so-called “crappy” movies—trust me, I’ve watched numerous flop movies in theaters). I also enjoy motorcycles (generally prefer Adventure > Tourers > Cruiser, and I’m neutral on Naked Bikes). Travel and hiking are some of my passions, with my favorite being unplanned 150km+ bike rides on my batpod. I’m into art (pencil sketching, painting—poster, acrylic, oil, watercolor—and I can build decent clay models), and I love talking with people.

“Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I”

TL;DR: I write software, I build systems. And I do random batshit